All information about psoriasis: causes, symptoms, types.

Psoriasis or psoriasis is a chronic disease that affects skin and its appendages: the hair and nails. A distortion that is characterized by periods (recurrence) and temporary prosperity, when the symptoms of the disease is becoming less and less. This disease is not contagious, and is dangerous for the patient. Arise because microorganisms associated with psoriasis.

Psoriasis occurs most frequently in the ages 15 to 45 years. Him more prone to people who are fair-skinned. Psoriasis patients in developed countries to reach an amount of 2-4% of the population. Every 25 residents of her pain, the Black continent.

This problem, which has numerous health institutions. Therefore, psoriasis is a disease selected desired studied. But I still think this is not a disease, read until the end. Is considered official, and helpless and this is why a lot of questions.

Called psoriasis, special immune cells of the body. They rise sub-inflammation of the upper layers of the skin, causing the epidermis cells growth and training of small capillaries.

Psoriasis on the skin symptoms are quite diverse. Why most often the disease red spots – plaques psoriatic plaques. They Dry to the touch, rising on a surface which is covered with skin and white flowers.


Type psoriasis

The disease generally two major groups: pustular and non-pustulous psoriasis.

Non-pustulous psoriasis

  • ordinary (rough) or simple psoriasis (plaque-like psoriasis, chronic stable psoriasis)
  • eritrodermia psoriasis or psoriatic erythroderma

Pustular psoriasis

  • pustular psoriasis or generalized pustular psoriasis background Tumblr
  • palmoplantar psoriasis (pustular psoriasis, palmoplantar pustules persistent and chronic in the legs)
  • pustular psoriasis annulare
  • palmar-plantar psoriasis
  • psoriatic impetigo herpetiform

Advanced features this type of psoriasis

  • seborrheic keratosis psoriasis
  • flexing surfaces and skin folds psoriasis
  • Pearl Napkin
  • psoriasis due to drug

This kind of features such as intensity, form, psoriasis

  • Easy – at least 3% of the skin.
  • Mid – 3-10% leather with leather-covered plates.
  • Heavy – joint involvement, or more than about 10% skin.

Causes psoriasis

So far no definitive answer to the question: "why psoriasis visible?". There are several theories scientists forth.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease. His basic is immune to error. Immune cells, killer T cells and T-helper cells maintain the function of the body to viruses, bacteria and tumour cells to penetrate the upper layers of the skin for some reason. Here they produce mediators of inflammation – in substances the "start" inflammatory reaction. His conclusion is an empowered skin cell division and proliferation (proliferation).

Because psoriasis is a disease, impaired growth, division and maturation of epithelial cells - lymphocytes. Why such a change in the skin that attack causes immune cells, T-lymphocytes and macrophages on diseased skin cells.


Factors that contribute to the development of psoriasis

Doctors noted, can be caused by a number of factors-emergence, it's a disease. Of course, the motion of the body psoriasis occurs more frequently in multiple conditions.

  1. Hereditary predisposition. Is there a version of this genes responsible for the functioning of the immune system and specifications for T-lymphocytes, disease carriers. Therefore, the parents suffer from psoriasis and the symptoms, that will turn a great chance to the children who have the same symptoms.
  2. Thin, dry skin. People that have been seen many features, such as the ones sick more often skin is oily skin, and well hydrated. The reason for this is probably the protective properties of the sebum, and properties, structure, skin.
  3. External disturbing factors. Constant contact between sick people with highly alcohol solutions, solvents and household cleaning Products, Cosmetics (lotions, creams for hands).
  4. Excessive hygiene – clean extreme love and it undermines protective properties of the skin. Soaps, shower gels and toilet wash cloth natural protective barrier and after a time, microscopic injury to himself.
  5. Harmful habits – drug addicts, alcohol, cigarettes and drugs in bad shape skin. His diet, which is broken, and blood flow.
  6. HIV – AIDS more exposure psoriasis. Academics explain this phenomenon. The issue called psoriasis increased activity of lymphocytes and reduced the number of AIDS.
  7. Medications – some medications can trigger the disease. Among them: beta-blockers, antidepressants, anticonvulsants and antimalarial drugs, lithium carbonate.
  8. Infection (fungal and Staphylococcus aureus). Quite often observed cases of psoriasis lesions or fungal diseases caused by Streptococcus the output immediately.
  9. Travel – air exchange, or even seasonal, environmental degradation may be the mechanism triggering this disease.
  10. Stress – physical stress, emotional shocks or strong (stay for a long time, overheating, accident) the first to occur prior to the symptoms of psoriasis.
  11. Injury – continuous exposure skin: pressure, friction, combed. This is the normal plaques psoriatic plaques that can give rise to injuries in the first place.
  12. An allergic condition – skin rashes and allergic processes, in this case, all layers of skin disease the risk.

What are the signs and symptoms, what is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a systemic disease, it's not a strike, just skin and nail. Him the affected joints, tendons and spine, immune, nervous and endocrine systems. Frequently affected are the kidney, liver, thyroid gland. He feels sick and has a strong weakness, pain, chronic fatigue, and depression. Because of this complex action, the body's disease psoriasis in recent years received call.

The basic symptoms but still resulting in a leather cover. The name "psoriasis" psoriasis symptoms in a fairly accurate manner forwards. Initial findings are often popular, pink or bright red color, smooth, round-shaped, film-coated with scales – psoriatic plaques. They are symmetrically placed, often the extensor surfaces, lower back and scalp. But any that may affect the skin and mucous genital organs. A few millimeters in size, in the first phase, ten centimeters, and more.

Rash depending on the features, share forms, of psoriasis such as:

  • Pearl dot – size, the fewer items you nitwit.
  • Guttate psoriasis – popular-shaped tears, and reach grain sizes.
  • Immune psoriasis – plaque grows 3-5 mm and have rounded edges.

In addition, an outstanding form of rash, time with a look of elements, rings, springs and Garland, geographical maps with jagged edges.

Covered with with a touch of popular, easily removable. The cells of the epidermis containing keratin that occurs. Starts psoriatic plaques covered by scales of the city, then the spread of the edges of the plaque. Him loose and bright appearance, at intervals penetrate the dead skin cells filled the air. Pink ring around items may occur – the plot inflammation of the growth area records. It's not a rash around leather items, has been changed.

Detecting a touch under the bright red shiny smooth surface. This blood is covered with a thin film of the thin walls of the capillaries. Thinning the upper layers of the skin, they are well hidden. Normal skin structure the skin is broken, the cell is not mature and never distinguish between normal keratinocytes.

Psoriasis scalp psoriatic plaques represent, to a large extent on the tower and the environment, vol. They are covered with thick scales reminiscent of a feather. Admire the remains of this hair. Rashes may not be only hair, but also smooth skin, the neck and behind the ears. These changes are described actively dividing keratinocytes affected areas

Psoriasis causes a thickening of the skin stratum corneum of the palms and stop the powerful regions of the body. The skin is thick, rough. Often penetrate her crack. The reason for this intense 8 times faster than normal, dividing cells will proliferate, but not deleted at the time of the skin surface.

A variety of different symptoms of nail psoriasis. Lesions of the nail plates is of the greatest importance but two basic types:

  1. By type "the thimble". The nail plate in the small and middle fossa similar traces of needle injuries.
  2. By type of onychomycosis. Similar lesions nail fungus. Nails thicken, changes color, stamp. Visible psoriatic plaque quotation from bucks, surrounded by a red frame. There is a view that, grease stains, transparent quotes.

The signs and symptoms of psoriasis disease depends on the stage in a circular consecutive years. So, most of the patients, which is celebrated in the "winter" when it is a disease type, General Ledger and autumn-winter period. For improvement the summer because of the therapeutic effect of ultraviolet the sun's rays. But some patients the pain "summer" type.

Flow psoriasis such features at this stage:

  • progressive – the emergence of new elements, the strong growth of the existing plaques, the growth of the pink region around them, intense flaking and itching.
  • hard – stop popular growth, no new lesions, psoriatic plaques small plaques around the folding the top layer of skin.
  • regressing– no peeling, and the emergence of the plaques are missing and in their place, the plots, pigmentation, witness the weight loss process.

Skin rashes that look like psoriasis?

Every body is different and reacts differently to a disease. Therefore, the weather, the rash can be very different. This explains the various shapes and kinds of psoriasis.

However, for most people, the symptoms of psoriasis are similar. These red spots – psoriatic plaques, the level rising 1-3 mm of healthy skin. The reason for their emergence on the cell surface layer of the skin – keratinocytes, sharing, very active, never miss it epithelial cells to develop and mature over the full. As a result, these areas of advanced pathological growth, the skin thickens. This behavior may be under the influence of chemicals, immune system cells, inflammation, Skin Cover.

Red color marks. If plaque psoriasis scales and begins to remove blood under the surface of the upper raw. What is the reason for this is that under the influence of T-lymphocytes and dendritic cells immune empowered under the formation of new blood vessels occurs plaque. They have a fairly thin wall. This is why psoriasis plaques and bleeding at the slightest damage.

Sometimes the lymph leaked from the vessel walls and inflammatory appeared. This shell plaque that is thick, yellowish. The surface is wet to the touch.

From above covered with plaque, gray, silver, or yellowish flowers from a tour with paraffin. So have a name – "paraffin Lake". These dead skin cells, epithelial rejection, and they accumulate on the surface of the skin, the affected area of the violation.

Spot peel, the more warm to the touch, more skin remaining, and can reach large sizes. Usually feels sore and severe itching in this place. An inflammatory process occurs in the background, the reason for this neuromuscular reflex cascade reactions and allergic reaction.

Elements of another genre popular. This is a rash of small items-like tuber. In size approximately 1 mm. no gap in the middle, filled content. Often, they settle down and knee and elbow joints. They remains even during the periods when the disease clears up.

The first plaques occurs in these places more dry and the skin contact with household cleaning products and detergents – in public areas, hand, neck. They can be found all the body parts: scalp, face, trunk, genitalia, buttocks, arms and legs. Contrary to the fungal disease, psoriatic rash in the armpits and in the natural folds of the skin more moist and oily. In some forms, the disease is expanding in a manner that not only a few plaques are visible. A palmar-plantar lesions shaped like on these sites.

Grow in width and merge gradually during acute traces of elements neighboring plates. In the period of recovery (remission) begins to illuminate spot. They slowly ring and get a tour is completely dissolved. Then the trace remains in the body plaques – pigmentation. It can be significantly darker or lighter than the skin in surrounding areas. Then the man get a tan , skin color is generally aligned.